Treatment of warts

Despite their benign nature, warts can sometimes be difficult to treat and resist conventional methods such as cryotherapy or curettage.

Their contagiousness and the discomfort they are likely to cause motivate a consultation in dermatology .

The treatment of stubborn warts at Clinique Skin Marceau in Paris uses the Nd Yag laser.

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Verrues - Traitement des verrues à Paris | Médecine esthétique | Skin Marceau

What is a wart?

Benign skin growths , warts follow an infection by a papillomavirus (HPV). The different forms of warts depend on the type of papillomavirus involved and common or common warts are those most frequently found in consultation. Around the nails ( periungual warts ), on the soles of the feet as well as on areas exposed to trauma, they can be single or multiple.

When they affect the private parts, we speak of condyloma . These are considered a sexually transmitted disease or STI and are treated at Skin Marceau by CO2 laser.

Why remove a wart?

In addition to the embarrassing nature of warts, particularly when they are visible ( face and hands especially) or when they affect the genitals, the possibility (even if it is rare) of skin cancer motivates an examination by a medical specialist. .

Some warts are also likely to be painful: a plantar wart that makes walking difficult, for example.

Treating warts with Nd Yag laser: what are the advantages?

Unlike superficial treatments such as cryotherapy (treatment with liquid nitrogen ), local ointments or the Co2 laser , the Nd Yag laser has a wavelength capable of acting in depth and in a targeted manner. Without damaging the skin, the laser beam destroys the infected keratinocytes and thus minimizes the risk of scarring after the treatment.

Warts can disappear on their own after some time but can also persist for several years. Laser treatment allows rapid care, control of contagiousness (vis-à-vis oneself but also others) and also avoids various attempts at ineffective treatments.

All types of warts respond to the Nd Yag laser: plantar warts, flat warts or even common warts. In addition and concerning genital warts or condyloma , their treatment by Co2 laser is only possible when they are external.

Laser wart treatment procedure at Skin Marceau

For the treatment of warts in Paris , it is possible to make an appointment directly online. Our specialized assistant receives you first , discusses with you and examines you. Once the protocol has been decided and before any start of treatment, your dermatologist determines the parameters of the machine (focusing, pulse duration , energy mode, etc.).

Protective goggles adapted to the wavelengths used are always given to you. The application of an anesthetic cream is possible, even if the majority of our patients mention a treatment that is more unpleasant than painful. The duration of the treatment depends, among other things, on the number of passages required.

Our dermatologists treat warts with the Nd Yag laser on the hands and face.

Treatment of warts with laser: what are the consequences?

The Nd Yag laser does not cause any sequelae or skin wounds , you immediately resume your usual activities. It is a non-invasive and very well tolerated medical procedure, even in children who are more frequently affected by warts than adults.

In the hours following your session, the wart may darken and form scabs.

What are the results of laser wart treatment?

Several studies today demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of the laser in the treatment of warts.

The in-depth action of the Nd Yag laser will destroy the feeder vessels of the wart, which will therefore stop being supplied, hence definitive results. Photothermolysis allows keratinocyte necrosis of the most recalcitrant warts .

The number of laser sessions required varies according to the area to be treated, the number and the extent of the warts: 2 to 4 sessions are generally required.

Thicker and deeper, plantar warts may require a greater number of sessions to get rid of them. For large warts or mosaic, it is common that a single session is not effective.

Moreover, for warts around the nail, the Nd Yag laser has also proven particularly effective.

We also give you advice on the prevention of warts : be careful of any skin break-in, maintain impeccable skin hygiene, do not scratch your warts , do not share your laundry, etc.

Verrues plantaires - Avant | Médecine esthétique | Clinique Skin Marceau Paris Soigner verrue plantaire - Après | Médecine esthétique | Clinique Skin Marceau Paris
Warts 1 Patient

Female patient presenting for treatment of verrue plantare on the foot, which was treated with the nd yag laser. The after photo is one month after the fourth treatment session.

Enlever verrue pied - Avant | Médecine esthétique | Clinique Skin Marceau Paris Bruler verrues plantaires au laser - Après | Médecine esthétique | Clinique Skin Marceau Paris
Warts 2 Patient

Male patient presenting for treatment of verrue plantare on the foot, which was treated with the nd yag laser. The after photo is one month after the third treatment session.

Verrue plantaire - Avant| Médecine esthétique | Clinique Skin Marceau Paris Traitement dermato verrue - Après | Médecine esthétique | Clinique Skin Marceau Paris
Warts 3 Patient

Male patient presenting for treatment of verrue plantare on the foot, which was treated with the nd yag laser. The after photo is one month after the fourth treatment session.

Wart treatment prices at Skin Marceau

Prices depend on the number of warts to be treated.

Nd:Yag Laser Warts
1 TO 5 WARTS 150 €
6 TO 10 WARTS 250 €
11 TO 20 WARTS 350 €