Lipomas are benign tumors that develop in subcutaneous fatty tissue and are made up of adipocyte clusters. This local proliferation of fat can be superficial, deep or located inside the muscle. While they can be located in any part of the body, lipomas are more common in the neck , back , limbs and forehead .
The etiology of lipomas remains unknown, although genetic predisposition seems to play a role in their appearance. Similarly, the spontaneous disappearance of lipomas remains unknown. In some individuals, lipomatosis can be observed: it is a rare family form characterized by the appearance of several lipomas in the body.
Clinically, a lipoma manifests as a ball of fat under the skin , its consistency is soft and it is mobile under the skin. This skin condition can affect all ages.
It is necessary to distinguish a fatty tumor from a cyst which contains sebum and not adipocytes. Indeed, a cyst also takes the form of a mobile ball under the skin, but its consistency is hard and it is likely to become infected or even cause an abscess.