Hair loss

Pathological hair loss can result from a large number of factors. While this situation affects both men and women, it is more frequently found in our male patients.

In order to reduce hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth , our dermatologists offer various solutions against hair loss in Paris.

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What is abnormal hair loss?

Every day we lose between fifty and one hundred hairs, which is completely normal and is explained by the three phases of the hair cycle .

  • A growth phase or anagen: it is long and lasts from 3 to 6 years.
  • A catagen phase that lasts a few weeks and is characterized by the cessation of hair growth
  • A telogen phase that lasts between 2 to 6 months and corresponds to hair loss.

All of our hair is therefore not in the same phase of the hair cycle and growth is therefore continuous.

When the number of hairs lost per day exceeds 100, or if a specific area loses more hair than others, this can lead to a diagnosis of alopecia or baldness .

What are the symptoms of hair loss?

Some hair loss is localized: we speak of localized alopecia . Among the causes of localized alopecia, there are infectious causes such as ringworm.

Diffuse hair loss is mainly found in the context of telogen effluvium.

In addition, hair loss can be temporary or permanent.

What are the causes of hair loss?

Androgenetic alopecia remains the most common cause of male pattern baldness.

  • The genetic heritage: the hereditary character is very often found in the majority of male baldness . Diagnosis is clinical, hair loss most often affects the forehead and temples first before spreading to the upper part of the skull. In women, baldness is a very rare situation and should motivate the search for a hormonal pathology at the origin of hyperandrogenism .
  • Telogen Effluvium: In women, this is a common cause of hair loss. It follows a pregnancy , a psychological shock, significant stress or an infection. Most of the time, it is followed by normal hair regrowth but can sometimes persist over time.
  • Certain treatments such as chemotherapy.
  • Certain dermatoses such as alopecia areata or ringworm. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune, non-contagious disease that causes localized and irreversible hair loss . Ringworm is an infectious disease that causes localized and reversible hair loss.
  • Hormonal disorders , among others thyroid.
  • Vitamin deficiencies that will need to be diagnosed and treated.

What are the solutions to combat hair loss at Skin Marceau?

The most appropriate solution depends on the initial indication. It is during your dermatology consultation for hair loss that we will be able to advise you.

If you suffer from a complete absence of hair on your scalp, treatment with platelet-rich plasma is not enough to give satisfactory results and a hair transplant is necessary.

PRP treatment is indicated for hair that is very thin and sparse , some balding areas on the scalp , following significant hair loss caused by pregnancy, hormonal variations or illness, or in the case of beginning alopecia of the skull , temples or forehead. In addition, the combination of a hair transplant with a PRP treatment allows maximum optimization of the results.

Drug treatment for hair loss

Minoxidil and finasteride are currently the only two medications that have shown satisfactory results. Minoxidil is a topical treatment that slows down hair loss by improving its vascularization.

Finasteride is an oral treatment that promotes hair regrowth, it is only indicated for moderate baldness .

PRP injections to fight hair loss

The PRP method refers to a medical treatment based on the use of platelet-rich plasma obtained from the patient’s own blood.

Platelets contain a significant amount of growth factors that promote the production of stem cells in the hair follicle, thus participating in its repair, healing and regeneration. The PRP technique can be used alone or in combination with hair transplantation or other topical treatments. The injection of autologous platelets ensures the safety of this treatment since the foreign body is not introduced. The number of PRP sessions needed varies depending on various parameters such as initial hair density, areas affected by hair loss

3 to 4 sessions, spaced about 4 weeks apart, allow obtaining visible and satisfactory results. A maintenance treatment is recommended in order to maintain long-lasting effects.