
Rosacea is a common but still poorly understood dermatosis. According to the High Authority for Health (HAS), 4 million French people are affected but only between 70,000 and 160,000 of them are treated. This skin condition affects twice as many female patients as male patients.

Like many other skin diseases , rosacea is often badly experienced and can lead to psychological discomfort and social exclusion.

If the pathophysiology of rosacea is not completely elucidated, the presence of vascular and inflammatory components is established.

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Couperose : causes et traitements | Laser couperose avant après | Clinique Skin Marceau | Paris

What is rosacea?

The manifestations of rosacea are fluctuating: this skin condition evolves by outbreaks interspersed with periods of remission. Rosacea is one of the symptoms of rosacea .

Different types of rosacea are found:

  • Vascular rosacea : this is the most frequently found type. Vascular abnormalities are associated with various external factors and are responsible for the development of abnormal blood circulation: this is characterized by excessive vasodilation of micro vessels, telangiectasias . The main diagnostic element is the facial redness which disappears with vitropression (that is to say which disappears when the affected area is pressed). The blood flow is responsible for the redness, or erythrosis , observed on the skin and a sensation of heat specific to rosacea. This inflammatory and chronic skin condition manifests itself mainly in theface : cheeks, sides of the nose , forehead, chin.
  • Ocular rosacea may accompany vascular rosacea. Extremely unpleasant symptoms: blurred vision, conjunctivitis, red eyes , burning, photophobia (hypersensitivity to light), feeling of sand in the eyes.
  • Papulo-pustular rosacea : also known as acne rosacea , it can be confused with hormonal acne. The presence of red and painful papules and pustules makes it possible to differentiate papulo-pustular rosacea from the rest of the forms.
  • Hypertrophic rosacea affects the nose which has a red, bulging tip , with possible appearance of a protrusion called rhinophyma .
  • Rosacea fulminans or facial pyoderma: this form affects women more frequently and appears suddenly, it is a rare but serious form. Hormonal variations seem to be involved.

The different causes of the appearance of rosacea

It is essential to distinguish between couperose and rosacea : indeed, rosacea is a skin disease. It is often nicknamed “ acne rosacea ” but it is not: indeed, it does not affect the pilosebaceous follicles.

Rosacea can evolve into rhinophyma : this is a very rare situation that affects men in the vast majority of cases.

Also, be careful not to confuse the flushing of rosacea with the reactions of sensitive skin .

The exact causes of couperose and rosacea are not completely known, but different tracks have already been established:

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause
  • Taking corticosteroid medication
  • Sudden changes in temperature and climatic conditions
  • Prolonged and intense exposure to heat sources
  • Consumption of spicy foods, hot drinks, alcohol etc.
  • genetic predisposition (people with a clear phototype are more prone and sensitive to rosacea)
  • Certain pathologies that affect immunity

Several factors can promote and accentuate the manifestations of rosacea: the cosmetics used, diet, medication, etc.

How to treat couperose at Skin Marceau?

In order to guide the choice of treatment, our dermatologists are mobilized to advise you according to your specific needs.

During your consultation at Skin Marceau in Paris , an interview and a complete examination of your face allows us to set up a treatment protocol, taking into account your skin type , the progress of the skin condition and your needs .

The laser is an effective solution in the treatment of rosacea . Its thermocoagulation action targets dilated micro vessels, without damaging the skin. Thanks to the emission of heat, the walls of the telangiectasias will stick together, thus blocking the blood circulation.

It is possible to treat rosacea using laser technology or pulsed light .

  • The Cynosure Icon is a particularly reliable medical-aesthetic laser. Thanks to its platform system, the Cynosure Icon uses either non-ablative laser or pulsed light. This feature allows it to adapt to the pathology to be treated.
  • The Cynosure Elite+ features dual wavelengths, which can adjust the pulse duration to deliver precise skin action. The continuous diffusion of cold air relieves the heat generated by the laser.
  • The Candela Gentlemax is a vascular laser known for its power and speed: it combines the properties of the Alexandrite laser and the Nd-Yag laser. The combination of these two technologies gives the Candela Gentlemax a proven performance to alleviate many skin problems.

These devices are suitable for all skin types. They durably improve the color, texture and texture of the skin and simultaneously lead to cellular regeneration caused by the heat of the laser.

The results of the treatment of rosacea

The results are effective but noticeable gradually. The skin must be allowed to heal and renew itself. Depending on the extent of the symptoms and vascular lesions, we will inform you of the number of sessions required.

Following the treatment, it is possible to see some bruising and slight swelling on the face. Moisturizers as well as precautions to be taken after the treatment help reduce the sensation of heat caused by the laser.

In addition, our dermatologists are perfectly qualified to give you good advice concerning your cosmetic routine , adapted to the specificities of each skin. Indeed, the repeated use of unsuitable products very often causes the weakening of the skin barrier.

couperose laser - avant laser couperose après séance
Rosacea 3 Patient

Female patient presenting for treatment of rosacea on her full face, which was treated with Icon Max G laser. The after photo is 2 months after her fourth treatment session.

couperose traitement - avant laser couperose resultats
Rosacea 2 Patient

Female patient presenting for treatment of rosacea on her full face, which was treated with Icon Max G laser. The after photo is 2 months after her fourth treatment session.

laser vasculaire visage - avant laser couperose - après
Rosacea 1 Patient

Female patient presenting for treatment of rosacea on her full face, which was treated with Icon Max G laser. The after photo is 1 month after her third treatment session.