Mole laser treatment

Moles can be located on the face or any part of the body . Although most of these moles are harmless, the risk of progression to melanoma remains possible, hence the importance of monitoring them regularly.

The dermatologists at Skin Marceau offer monitoring and treatment of moles .

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Traitement laser des grains de beauté à Paris | Opération grain de beauté | Clinique Skin Marceau

General information on moles

Moles or nevi appear in both men and women. These are flat patches or small skin growths that are round or oval in shape and have regular contours. Their color can be brown, dark brown, blue or flesh-colored .

Some people have a very large number of moles: beyond 50, the risk of developing skin cancer is greater.

Moles are not pruritic (i.e. not itchy) or painful.

A distinction must be made between a mole and an atypical mole . This lesion is not cancerous but differs from the rest of the moles by its appearance: its dimensions are larger, its outlines are irregular and its multicolored hues . Areas exposed to the sun are more prone to the appearance of atypical moles.

Why do moles appear?

Nevi can appear in childhood or in adolescence and continue to grow into adulthood. These grains on the skin follow a high concentration of melanin , the coloring pigment of the skin.

A genetic predisposition as well as unprotected sun exposure favor the appearance of moles.

The importance of controlling your moles

An annual consultation with your dermatologist allows you to carry out a skin diagnosis and to detect any suspicious skin lesions early on. A melanoma treatment undertaken in an advanced way is simpler and gives much better results.

In addition, self-monitoring based on the signs of melanoma (ABCDE) is recommended for any patient with a mole.

  • A: Asymmetry
  • B: Borders
  • C: Color
  • D: Diameter
  • E: Evolution

Those at risk should pay close attention to any changes in the color, appearance, or size of a mole .

Laser mole removal at Skin Marceau

An examination by your dermatologist remains the surest way to diagnose a classic or atypical mole .

When a mole becomes painful, causes itching or bleeding, it is necessary to consult as soon as possible.

A rapid and/or non-symmetrical development of a mole is also a warning sign of cancerous development.

It is also quite possible to decide to remove a mole simply for aesthetic reasons.

During your first consultation, we carry out a skin diagnosis. An in-depth examination by dermoscopy makes it possible to find any lesions invisible to the naked eye. In some cases, the indication to remove the mole and examine it by biopsy may be asked.

In front of a benign nevus , the treatment of choice uses the co2 laser. Under local anesthesia, the laser beam will vaporize the moles. The procedure is quick and several moles can be treated during the same session.

In the context of a suspicious mole, our team of dermatologists in Paris carries out the surgical removal of moles.

Mole 2

Female patient presenting for removal of several grains of beauté on the face, which were removed with CO2 Laser; The after photo is 1,5 months after a single treatment.

Mole 3

Male patient presenting for removal of a grain de beauté on the nose, which was removed with CO2 Laser. The after photo is 7 days after a single treatment.

Mole 4

Female patient presenting for removal of a grain de beauté on the nose, which was removed with CO2 Laser. The after photo is immediately after a single treatment.

Mole 6

Female patient presenting for removal of two grains de beauté near the chin, which were removed with CO2 Laser. The after photo is 1 month after a single treatment.

Mole 7

Male patient presenting for removal of a grain de beauté (Miescher Nevus) on the nose, which was removed with CO2 Laser. The after photo is 12 days after a single treatment.

Verrucous Epidermal Nevus Patient

Female patient presenting for removal of Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus that had developed under her breast, which was removed with CO2 laser. The after photo is 2 months after a single treatment.

What are the consequences of removing a mole without surgery?

The follow up is simple. Following your session, a small crust forms and is associated with redness. These signs usually disappear after a few weeks and there is no residual scar . It is essential not to expose yourself to the sun for a period of 4 to 6 weeks after your laser session .

The co2 laser accelerates healing and thus reduces recovery time. Indeed, precise control of the depth of vaporization and the thermal effect optimizes the comfort of our patients.

The prices of mole laser removal at Skin Marceau

You will find the prices for laser removal of moles at Skin Marceau in the table below:

Mole removal with CO2 Laser
First Appointment : Info & Quote Free
1 MOLE 250 €
2 MOLES 400 €