Eye rejuvenation

The eyes are a delicate area of the face, particularly sensitive to aging, which can profoundly alter the youthfulness of our features. There are now multiple solutions available to rejuvenate and enhance the appearance of the eyes.

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Aging of the eyes

The eyes are one of the first areas of the face to betray signs of aging. This aging process can be accelerated by several factors, such as genetics, sun exposure, smoking, fatigue, and stress.

Over time, the skin loses its elasticity and natural hydration, leading to the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Crow’s feet wrinkles settle at the corner of the eye and become more pronounced with every laugh or smile.

In addition to the appearance of wrinkles, sagging of the upper and lower eyelids is also a common phenomenon. This loss of skin elasticity can lead to a drooping eyelid appearance, creating a tired or less alert look. The skin of the eyelids gradually becomes thinner and more fragile, accentuating this feeling of sagging.

Dark circles and under-eye bags are other common signs of aging around the eyes. Dark circles can be due to hyperpigmentation, sluggish blood circulation, or thinner skin that allows blood vessels to show through. Under-eye bags, on the other hand, can result from a buildup of fat or fluids, often exacerbated by factors such as lack of sleep or an unbalanced diet.

Finally, the loss of volume around the eyes also contributes to aging of the gaze. With age, the supporting structures of the skin degrade, leading to a loss of fullness around the eyes. This decrease in volume can create a hollow or sunken appearance, further reinforcing the aging effect.

Rejuvenating Your Gaze at Skin Marceau

Aging is a multifactorial process that manifests differently in each patient. It’s during an initial consultation with a practitioner from the Skin Marceau team in Paris 16 that a true understanding of your needs and expectations can take place. A tailored treatment plan will then be established.

Hyaluronic acid for rejuvenating the eyes

For rejuvenating the area around the eyes, hyaluronic acid injections are used to fill in hollow under-eye circles. They can create a shadow that gives the appearance of dark circles, even if the skin pigmentation is not necessarily altered. This creates a constant impression of fatigue and affects the liveliness of the eyes. The goal of hyaluronic acid here is to revitalize the gaze and give it a true youthful boost.

Refreshing the gaze with Botox

The use of botulinum toxin is particularly important in the treatment of the eyes. Botox® allows for the correction of horizontal forehead lines, the glabellar lines located between the eyebrows, as well as crow’s feet wrinkles. These expression lines sometimes noticeably affect the youthfulness of the gaze, and Botox injection is a preferred solution to reduce these wrinkles.

In addition to smoothing dynamic wrinkles, botulinum toxin is also used to lift the brow tail, a technique that helps rejuvenate and refresh the gaze. This method is particularly appreciated for its non-invasive lifting effect. When Botox is injected into strategic areas around the eyebrows, it relaxes the muscles that normally pull the eyebrows down. As a result, the forehead muscles that elevate the eyebrows become more active, causing a slight natural lift of the brow tail. This effect can open up and brighten the eye area, giving a more rested and alert appearance.

Medical blepharoplasty

Medical blepharoplasty is ideal for those seeking improvement in the appearance of their eyes but do not wish to undergo surgery. The results can be remarkable, although generally less drastic than those obtained through surgery. This technique uses the lumenis ultrapulse alpha CO2 laser.

This laser creates small perforations on the skin’s surface, leaving areas of intact skin. The thermal process intensely and deeply stimulates the dermis, thus promoting increased collagen production and a noticeable tightening effect.

Eye surgery: blepharoplasty to open up the eyes

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at refreshing and revitalizing the eyes. This procedure is particularly effective in treating droopy eyelids, under-eye bags, or excess skin that can give a tired and aged appearance to the face.

During blepharoplasty, the plastic surgeon works on the upper, lower, or both eyelids. The procedure may involve the removal of excess skin, reduction of fat pockets, and tightening of muscles to create a younger and more rested appearance. This surgery can also improve peripheral vision in cases where excess skin on the upper eyelids obstructs the field of vision.

The result of blepharoplasty is a more open, clear, and rejuvenated look. Scars are usually well-hidden within the natural folds of the skin, making the procedure discreet. This procedure is ideal for those seeking a more long-lasting and significant solution to aging around the eyes.

Are there any contraindications to eye rejuvenation techniques?

During your initial consultation, your doctor will check for any specific contraindications for each treatment. For surgical blepharoplasty, an anesthesia consultation is required.

The results of eye rejuvenation

Depending on the technique used, results may be immediate or require some time to be fully appreciated. Your practitioner will always provide you with this information in advance.

For optimal results that harmonize with your facial features, it’s essential to opt for a comprehensive approach. For instance, if the tear trough area is particularly hollow, then fillers may be necessary at that level to complement the treatment of dark circles.